Thursday, July 16, 2020

What Every Muslim Child Should Know: Part 1

An incident happened two weeks ago (which I won't discuss the details of here) which caused a lot of controversy on social media (as it always does!). What struck me most and what many commented on is that the reason behind the controversy was that many Muslims lacked the basic foundation about Islam and so were arguing and had an opinion about essential aspects of Aqeedah that have been non-negotiable for thousands of years.

One commentator advised that parents have a duty to equip their children with this foundational knowledge of Islam and recommended a book in Arabic titled 'What Muslim Children Cannot Be Ignorant Of.' The book is structured in a Q and A style format, but I could not find an English translation so I thought it would be useful to cover the main aspects below. The author advises that children be taught these questions from a young age so that they grow with a strong Iman and do not fall prey to certain issues and arguments that can shake their faith.

Q1: “Who is your Lord?”  

A1: “My Lord is Allah.” 


And the proof is: Al-Faatiha, ayat 2: ‘alhamdulillahi Rabbil-Aalameen’ - all the praises are for Allah, Lord of all the worlds.


Q2: “What’s your religion?”

A2: “My religion is Islam.”

Q3: “Who is your prophet?”

A3: “My prophet is Muhammad ﷺ.”





Q4: What is the statement of tawheed?

A4: The statement of Tawheed is 

la ilaha il-lal-lah


There is absolutely none worthy of worship and there is no true God except Allah and only Allah.


Q5: Where is Allah?


A5: Allah is above His seven heavens, above His 'Arsh (Throne).

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