Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Names of Allah for kids: Allah Al Malik

Allah Al Malik

Some facts about Allah Al Malik
MALIK means King. Here in the dunya, people fight to be kings and compete with each other for power, but Allah is the King of everything and He is the one who owns everything. Your wealth, your heart, your body, your house, your time, everything belongs to Allah.

Here is a story to help you understand about Allah Al Malik
King Sultan was the ruler of all of Arabia. He had everything he could ever imagine. Cars and planes, horses and tigers, gardens and swimming pools too. He also had a HUGE palace full of servants and helpers that got him anything he wanted.
King Sultan always shouted orders at his servants and helpers and demanded that everything be given to him at once! “Get me my slippers at once”, he shouted “Yes your Highness” said the servants. “I want to eat right now – make me a sandwich at once”. The servants would cater to his every need and always did whatever he asked.
One day, a friend of the King, Ahmed, came to visit him at the palace. King Sultan told him “Do you know Ahmed, I have everything I want and nothing can stop me from doing whatever I wish”. “Well, that’s not really true” Said Ahmed. King Sultan’s face went red and he said in an angry voice “What do you mean?” “You may be the King of Arabia Sultan, but Allah is the King of the entire Universe and if Allah wanted to, he could stop you from having anything you want”.
“I have so much money Ahmed that I can get whatever I want and I can buy anything that crosses my mind” he said as he pointed towards his private jet. “You do have a lot of money King Sultan, but what would you do if you were sick?” asked Ahmed.
“I would get my servants to call the best doctors in the world to come and make me better at once”. “Ok” said Ahmed. He then asked the King “and what if the only way to cure you was to use ALL of your money?”
The King stopped to think for a moment… “Well, I would have to give them all of my money to make me better of course”. “And if that happened you would then have no money at all and you would be just like any one of the people in Arabia, maybe you would be even poorer then some of the people on the street” Ahmed told him.
“That’s not possible” shouted the King! “Ahmed. Leave at once” ordered the King. Ahmed said goodbye to the King, but before he left he said “Just remember what I Have told you King Sultan. Allah is the only real Malik in this world. Allah owns everything including all of your money and could make you lose it all in a blink of an eye”.
The King sat to think about what Ahmed had told him while he drank some chocolate Milkshake that his Servant had just made for him.
One day, King Sultan woke up in his enormous bed and he felt awful. He couldn’t raise his voice, he was sneezing all over the place, coughing continuously and he seemed to have a very high fever too. He could just about raise his arm to ring the bell to call for his servants. They came running as soon as he rung it of course and he asked them to call for the doctor. At that time, he remembered what Ahmed had told him and he realized that no matter what he had he was weak and Allah, Al Malik, who is the owner of all things, all people and all of the kings too is the only one that can truly be a King.

Sultan asked the servants to call Ahmed on his mobile phone and to tell him to come to his Palace. When Ahmed arrived, he helped the King to sit up and take his medicine and he reminded him that Allah is the one true King and that Allah could give us anything, but he could also take it away just as easily. “Allah gave me this mobile phone” said Ahmed, “but if Allah wanted to, he could take also take it away too”.
King sultan fully understood that it was Allah who owned everything and not him. He asked Allah to forgive him and said “elhamdulelah for everything I have and elhamdulela for a friend like you Ahmed”.

How can you live by this name?
1.    Be Humble
Remind yourself that we are all slaves of Allah ALMalik and that whatever we have is from Allah.

2.    Be Fair.
Be fair to everyone around you whenever you have responsibility or power.

3.    Ask Allah Al Malik.
Allah owns everything so ask Him to give you whatever you want!

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