One commentator advised that parents have a duty to equip their children with this foundational knowledge of Islam and recommended a book in Arabic titled 'What Muslim Children Cannot Be Ignorant Of.' The book is structured in a Q and A style format, but I could not find an English translation so I thought it would be useful to cover the main aspects below. The author advises that children be taught these questions from a young age so that they grow with a strong Iman and do not fall prey to certain issues and arguments that can shake their faith.
Q1: “Who is your Lord?”
A1: “My Lord is Allah.”
And the proof is: Al-Faatiha, ayat 2: ‘alhamdulillahi Rabbil-Aalameen’ - all the praises are for Allah, Lord of all the worlds.
Q2: “What’s your religion?”
A2: “My religion is Islam.”
Q3: “Who is your prophet?”
A3: “My prophet is Muhammad ﷺ.”
Q5: Where is Allah?
A5: Allah is above His seven heavens, above His 'Arsh (Throne).